Jeannot’s Patisserie & Bistro

05 Aug 2024

Jeannot’s Patisserie & Bistro

A Michelin-worthy taste of Provence in Colorado

By Grace Adele Boyle

Julien Jeannot, owner and head patisserie chef of Jeannot’s Patisserie & Bistro, takes pride in the community his food has cultivated. “One of the best things that I like about this place is that we have some customers that come, and they grab a croissant, they take a coffee, take a book and they stay for hours. They enjoy having breakfast, which is really for people that know how to live,” he says. 

Located 18 minutes from downtown Boulder in an unassuming shopping center in Lafayette, Jeannot’s offers some of the most delicious and authentic French pastries and cuisine in Colorado.

Jeannot’s culinary journey began in Provence at the age of 10, inspired by his grandparents’ enthusiasm after he woke up early one morning and cooked them crepes. Their encouraging words stuck with him and by 14, he was formally training in the culinary arts. By 19, he had become the executive pastry chef of a Michelin-star restaurant. “I got all my basics in France, dialed in my technique, learned to not overcomplicate because quality speaks for itself,” he explains.

The quality of Jeannot’s work is evident in the long lines that form on busy mornings, the cascade of buttery flakes that explode with each bite of croissant, the handpicked selection of boutique French wines lining the walls, the rotating weekly specials featuring seasonal produce and the haunting flavor of real pistachio in their pistachio choux (cream puff) because they make their pistachio paste in house. “I’m not here to open a can,” Jeannot explains. “Nobody is satisfied with that—I am not satisfied with that.” 

Jeannot’s commitment to quality extends to their use of local produce, but his team is discerning in what they choose to serve. For instance, the pastry team will not use strawberries when they’re not perfectly ripe because they value quality over consistently having the same menu. “Two to three times a week I go to the market to buy fresh fruit,” Jeannot shares. Jeannot’s only offers strawberry tiramisu when the berries are in season—and if the berries aren’t good that week, they won’t use them. Because of this, their loyal customers know that whatever is on the menu that day is the best.

August, the most bountiful month for Colorado produce, sees Jeannot making the most of seasonal offerings, from apricots to radishes, local mushrooms, honey, ham and bacon. In winter, the options are more limited, but Jeannot still emphasizes local ingredients, using local fingerling potatoes and beef for his renowned beef bourguignon. “We lost money every time we make beef bourguignon, but it’s about sharing the culture, it’s about making sure we carry these types of dishes, it’s not about making the most money possible,” he notes.

Jeannot and his wife run the Patisserie & Bistro hands-on, working alongside their staff in every capacity—cooking, taking out the trash, washing dishes, taking orders, bussing tables, whatever needs to be done. This devotion is one of the reasons most of their staff have stayed with them since their grand opening two and a half years ago. “In the food industry, people usually stay around six months, so we are very fortunate and grateful to our incredible staff. Our patisserie team, service team, cooks, cake team––we all work together to make this place what it is,” Jeannot beams.

The meticulous care put into each pastry and savory dish is apparent —every berry and slice of fruit is hand-selected, and each savory dish is well portioned—their quality sets Jeannot’s apart. “We have people coming from Denver, from Fort Collins, to try what we are making here—it’s crazy,” he marvels. 

Jeannot’s success has spread largely through word of mouth because it’s impossible to not talk about the food after you’ve tried it. Social media posts of happy patrons biting into warm almond croissants or toasting in front of a towering croquembouche (traditional French wedding cake) spread the word and raised the question: Will Jeannot’s open a second location?

Despite their growing popularity, Jeannot is clear about their future. “Both my wife and I, we’re not greedy people. We don’t want to open another place—we want to make this place right. We want that when you come ten years from now, we’re still here and the quality is the same, if it’s not better, you know?” he shares. “I don’t want to spread myself too thin then have a lot of headaches and quality will go down—because that’s what can happen,” Jeannot reflects. After 23 years in the culinary world, from France to California to Colorado, Jeannot is clear on what living life well is all about.

Their decision to focus on a single location allows them to create unique experiences, such as the annual July Bastille Day celebration, which features charcuterie, wine and music. A few weeks before Christmas, Santa Claus stops by Jeannot’s to enjoy hot chocolate with everyone, too. In the evenings, after traditional business hours are over, the bistro is also a popular venue for wedding receptions, retirement parties and birthday celebrations—each catered with authentic French cuisine. This sense of aliveness and community, centered around a shared love for life and good food, is what keeps Jeannot passionate about his work and keeps customers coming back for more.

To learn more, please visit

2770 Arapahoe Rd., #124
Lafayette, CO

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