Rock ‘n Roll Judge
30 May 2019
Dont judge Dennis Wanebo by his black robeor his pierced ear
By Kerry Parry Picture a person in a black robe presiding over a courtroom. Wise, knowledgeable, discerning are a few adjectives that may come to mind. Now imagine a guy who plays in a rock n roll band. You might come up with a different description. Boulders Honorable Dennis Wanebo bucks the notion that we are our job titles. He indeed embraces all that you would expect from a judge: smart and passionate about the law. But there is more to Judge Wanebosomething at which his funky glasses and pierced ear might hint. For one, hes an incredibly talented singer/songwriter/musician. You can find the guitar player and singer gigging on occasion with his former band, Martian Acres, or playing solo at a bar. You might find him performing at the occasional private party.