Millennial moms star in Wild Child documentary
20 Jun 2016
Documentary focuses on unplugging kids
If you live here, you’re probably used to seeing mothers running up Flagstaff with their baby in a backpack. Or kayaking Boulder Creek with their 6-year-old stuffed in the boat. But what if you don’t live here? “Parents nowadays are so afraid to let their kids be independent,” says Boulder mom Morgan Brechler. “They can’t climb trees because it’s too dangerous, or they can’t play in the dirt because there are germs. All that stuff is really important, and I feel like kids are being robbed of that, and being sat in front of a TV where it’s ‘safe’ instead.”
The documentary focuses on their efforts to unplug their kids from technology and explore nature instead.
The Boulder moms’ kids-in-tow adventures span backpacking, kayaking, rock climbing, backcountry skiing and more. The documentary is part of The Born Wild Project, launched via Kickstarter by Boulder’s Alisa Geiser and Aly Nicklas. Wild Child will go into full production in June, with filming in Utah, California and the Pacific Northwest. It will be the first in the project’s series about children, nature and risk-taking.
“We believe kids should be outside climbing trees and scraping knees,” says Geiser, who will direct the series. “And developing a love for the land that they will one day be the stewards of.”
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— by Carol Brock