Are You ‘Boulder Athletic’?
25 May 2016
Or Just 'Rest-of-the-Country Athletic'?
By Mary Lynn Bruny Sure, in most places in the U.S. you are probably thought of as athletic. Like my Midwestern relatives, your relations probably consider you the big athlete of the family. You work out regularly and are pretty darn fit. Well, sorry, but here in Boulder that means nothing. That means you have a pulse. Being considered athletic in Boulder means taking things to a much higher level. But it’s not just fitness or ability we’re talking about, it’s attitude, priorities and lifestyle.Where do you fall on the athletic spectrum? Take this quiz to find out.

Mary Lynn Bruny is a local freelance writer who loves living in Boulder. She’s considered pretty athletic by Cleveland, Ohio, standards.
How many “yes” answers did you have? 0 to 4 – You might want to consider moving to Kansas. 5 to 9 – Maybe you’re Boulder athletic, but more likely you’re just a regular American athlete, a Boulder-athlete poseur or a wannabe. Sorry. Now go hit the weights, mountains, slopes or pavement. 10 or more – Yep, you’re Boulder athletic. Be proud! Your special Fitbit badge will be forthcoming.