Boulder Nonprofit Is “There With Care” for Families in Crisis
01 Sep 2019
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” –Albus Dumbledore, in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”By Lisa Truesdale As a Hollywood producer working on the first three Harry Potter movies, Paula DuPré Pesmen learned a lot about the world’s most famous boy wizard. And, like Harry, she realized she was in a position to use her powers for good. Inspired by her husband’s battle with cancer, Pesmen started a wish-granting program to host sick children on the Harry Potter movie set. One day, she had an epiphany: Although she was happy they could make the kids smile, even for just an afternoon, families with critically ill children face isolation. They need a lot more assistance than a few magical hours at Hogwarts can provide. “When a family has a critically ill child, one parent has to quit their job, and it doesn’t take long for the family to be in financial distress,” she explains. “Even the most basic things, like grocery shopping and running errands, become overwhelming.”

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