
Browns Shoe Fit
Wild Animal Sanctuary

Hike with Rocky Mountain Climbers Club

We have maps and apps to guide us. Do we still need a club? By Kay Turnbaugh Imagine living and working in the pioneer town of Boulder in the late 1800s or early 1900s. The wild mountains beckoned to the west, but not many people had a wagon or a car, and only a daring

The Heart of a Competitor: Self-care tips for on and off the racecourse

Endurance athletes have reason to worry about heart health. A new study says it’s not rare for triathletes to suffer a cardiac arrest during the race.

How to choose a residence for a family member with dementia

People with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia may require memory care—a type of long-term skilled nursing—but shop wisely.

Trending dental products that sound less than glamorous

Sticks, Dirt and Charcoal... in Your Mouth? Here are three new trends in dental health care for you to debate.

Worried Sick: Kids as young as 3 are experiencing anxiety disorders

While anxiety is a normal, even beneficial, an alarmingly high level of anxiety among children and adolescents is making them chronically ill.

CBD: Nonpsychoactive hemp extract shows promising effects

Snake Oil or Truly Miraculous? What is this magical nutritional supplement cannabidiol (CBD)? Is it as miraculous as people claim?

Research Makes Gains on Fibromyalgia

Scientists at CU Boulder have recently identified neurological patterns that correlate with the hypersensitivity to pain that fibromyalgia patients suffer.

Color Me Diabetic

Researchers at MIT and Harvard have developed tattoos that can indicate what’s going on inside the body with biosensors in the tattoo ink.

Trendy ‘Miracle Cures’

To help you make informed decisions, we’ve taken a look at five common substances that some say work miracles.

Wild Animal Sanctuary
Browns Shoe Fit

Collective Trauma Response: Addressing difficult feelings in a topsy-turvy world

Once in a while, an event happens that shakes the emotional core of a community, and many of us can be part of a collective trauma and healing.

A Dose of the Outdoors- Forest exposure is good for us

Experiments over the last decade show that when we’re in nature, our blood pressure measurably drops.

How Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) training could allow you to live your best life

While the wearer exercises wearing a full-body EMS suit, a trainer controls an electrical current that encourages more muscle fibers to contract.

How patients cope with cognitive effects of cancer treatment

Chemo brain can manifest as confusion, feeling spacey, or having a short attention span and also affect information-processing speed and fine-motor skills.

Bad Medicine- Opioid Addiction in Boulder County

The percentage of Coloradans seeking treatment for substance abuse nearly doubled for prescription opioid abuse between 2007 and 2014.

Put Your Best Face Forward: Winter Skin Care

Have you ever thought about what the climate in our state is doing to your skin? Here are some tips for winter skin care.

Gaining the Performance Edge: What’s safe for amateur athletes?

Finding the performance edge may mean athletes need to achieve athletic maturity: learning how to train, seek advice from science...

Sensory-deprivation chambers offer mental and physical benefits

Centers housing sensory-deprivation chambers have flowered along the Front Range

Excess Weight: Should You Worry If You’re Just a Bit Heavy?

The question of when to worry is complicated by the methods we use to quantify excess weight.

How to Know If You Need a Podiatrist

Sometimes it’s not obvious whether you need a podiatrist, another specialist or a primary-care physician.

Working Like A Dog: having pets in the workplace is a good thing

Pets in the workplace are calming By Ruthanne Johnson The workday usually starts like this for Don Martinson: Up early. Shower. Dress. Quick breakfast and to-go coffee for the commute. Then his three dogs line up at the back door to see whose turn it is to go to work with him. Louie and Lola

Dealing with Divorce

Local groups offer survival strategies By Julie Marshall Divorce is like being in a horrific car crash, every day, for years. That’s how one 50-year-old divorcee puts it. It’s an earthquake with continual aftershocks, says another, or the death of your lifelong partner in which friends and family judge how you handle it and expect

Browns Shoe Fit
Wild Animal Sanctuary