Home & Garden

Wild Animal Sanctuary
Browns Shoe Fit

Feature Garden: Perfectly, Naturally Peaceful

This Boulder garden is “very interactive, very natural, very peaceful.” Asian motifs abound in the stunningly serene landscape.

7 Ideas to Make the Most of a Small Patio

Your patio may not be spacious, but it can be the perfect space to surround yourself in beauty. Here are tips to turn tiny into terrific.

Rules for Roses

By Carol Brock “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” — William Shakespeare Well, not exactly. “So many modern roses are bred for form, not fragrance,” says rose expert Eve Reshetnik-Brawner, co-owner of Boulder’s Harlequin’s Gardens. Fortunately, many roses do have heady scents. If you’re new to growing roses, here are tips […]

Soil Savers: 8 tips to improve soil health

Mikl Brawner, co-owner of Harlequin’s Gardens in Boulder, offers these ideas to improve soil health.

A spring-cleaning checklist

Spring-cleaning goes beyond regular chores to focus on tasks that don’t happen often, so here’s a checklist to ensure you won’t miss a spot.

A primer on natural fertilizers

Natural fertilizers replenish the nutrients and trace minerals that plants need. They also improve the soil’s organic matter.

Avoiding Seed Scams

Sowing seeds is one of spring’s most rewarding tasks. Buying seeds online? Here are steps to take to make sure you don’t get scammed.

Prep Now For Spring

Where were you last year when spring suddenly took off in Colorado? Was your lawnmower ready to roll? Were the tools clean and ready to dig into the ground? Did you have to drag the garden hose around the yard because the sprinkler system was turned on too late? With snow on the ground, launching […]

Refresh with Indoor Plants

Poisonous compounds released by furniture, carpets and building material pollute the indoor air you breathe. The best antidote –especially in buildings with closed ventilation systems — is none other than common houseplants. B.C. Wolverton, Ph.D., NASA’s renowned researcher, found houseplants are the best filters of common indoor pollutants such as ammonia, formaldehyde and benzene. If your […]

Browns Shoe Fit
Wild Animal Sanctuary

5 Simple Improvements to Elevate Your Home

There is no time like the beginning of a new year to make changes and improvements to your humble abode. If revamping your home is on your resolutions list, you’ll want to read these interior designer home improvement tips.  We know there are many restrictions including budget, location, and size, which limit your home’s improvements […]

Gifts For Furry and Feathered Friends

Everybody enjoys a gift, including your cat and dog, and even your bird. Veterinarians from Colorado State University offered this advice about gifts and games for companion animals this holiday season and beyond. Cool Cats Dr. Elena Contreras, who works at CSU’s Center for Companion Animal Studies, says to keep any health issues in mind, […]

Find Your Style: A Decorating Quiz

We all have a décor we’re drawn to—one that feels comfortable to live with day to day. This easy quiz lets you zero in on your particular décor style.

8 Steps to Perfect Cast-Iron Cooking

Autumn is the perfect time to camp out, and what’s better than a big cast-iron pot of food after a hike to see the leaves? By Lisa Truesdale Fall is the perfect time to get outside to see autumn leaves. It’s even more perfect when you set up camp and hike to your destination. But […]

Give a Little, Get a Lot

Here’s a list of good-cause benefits that could use your support.

Legendary folk singer Peter Yarrow is still raising the hammer of awareness, love and justice

Yarrow has continued to fight for an array of issues, from women’s rights to anti-bullying. He’s written four children’s books with 12 songs in them.

Succulents are sensational in pots, gardens, wreaths and just about anywhere else

People are embracing succulents these days, even the prickly ones, with enthusiasm. These are easy-care plants with interesting shapes and showy flowers.

Fall 2017: This issue is about your friends, neighbors, and community

Dear Reader: This magazine is all about your friends, your neighbors, your community and your patch of earth. In this issue, you’ll meet Mary and Kirk Stewart, whose landscape was devastated by the 2013 flood. You’ll discover how they coped with the disaster after their “world collapsed,” as Mary says, and lovingly restored their homestead. […]

Feature Home: Where Boulder Meets Bangalore

Feature Home: Where Boulder Meets Bangalore- This soulful landscape and home resonate with world stories and a life well lived.

African violets: consistent flowers and interesting leaves

If you’re looking for a fairly easy houseplant that keeps on blooming, consider the charming African violet which can produce blooms year-round.

Autumn’s Gifts: A few treats for the fall season

It’s always sad to see summer go, but slipping into fall with a little nourishing and pampering is relatively easy duty with these gifts for autumn.

Passing Time on the Porch- Even if you don’t have one!

Although nudged into temporary obscurity, front porches saw resurgence in the ’80s and ’90s. Today, the once-defunct home addition has made a comeback.

Browns Shoe Fit
Wild Animal Sanctuary