Winter/Spring 2020-2021

Browns Shoe Fit
Wild Animal Sanctuary

Art + Soul Gallery: Committing to Art

Art + Soul Gallery marries wall art with wearable art for an extraordinary experience in fine jewelry. By Christine Mahoney   During uncertain times, it’s comforting to know that some things are unshakable, like the need to express love and commitment. Expressions of devotion seem to be on the rise during the pandemic. Just ask

Close to Home: Keeping Busy This Winter

Sanity-saving activities to keep the home atmosphere “cool” during the cold months. By Vicki Allsopp   Living in Colorado, winter is always welcome. But with the possibility of many indoor and outdoor activities not being available per usual, the need for alternatives is imperative. Here are some fun activities to consider while keeping it close

Wild Animal Sanctuary
Browns Shoe Fit