Close to Home: Keeping Busy This Winter
05 Nov 2020
Sanity-saving activities to keep the home atmosphere cool during the cold months.
By Vicki Allsopp
Living in Colorado, winter is always welcome. But with the possibility of many indoor and outdoor activities not being available per usual, the need for alternatives is imperative.
Here are some fun activities to consider while keeping it close to home. Whether with pets, kids or your local community, there are plenty of ways to avoid cabin fever.
Pamper Your Pooch
Has your furry friend noticed you roaming from room to room, sometimes aimlessly? Our pets have been right alongside us, feeling our stress as we shelter in place. (They love that were home more, though!) Its time to thank them for sticking by our sides. From major makeovers to mini-manis, check out these creative ideas.

Personal Wag n Wash
Custom pet wash stations have grown in popularity over the past decade. So much so, some builders include them as floor plan options. But you dont have to buy a new house to pamper the pooch.
The No. 1 choice: a mudroom remodel. Perfect, because many mudrooms are accessed directly from outside. Your pooch need never leave muddy, paw-shaped prints all over the house again.
When choosing designs, consider a raised bathing station. (Your back will thank you.) Many pet grooming tubs and showers have built-in ramps or stairs, making it easy for your pup to get in and out. Check out sites like or for design options.
Opt for a handheld sprayer with a long, flexible hose to reach that dirt-gathering underbelly. Make sure to incorporate towel racks or hooks, preferably within arms reach for a quick duck-and-cover when the inevitable shake-and-spray water dance occurs.
Get creative when choosing decor. How about a whimsical wallpaper featuring Rover romping in a meadow? Frame your favorite photos to personalize the pooch space or purchase dog bone, paw print or any other dog-themed wall art to round out the mise en scène.
Pet Massage
Just as we humans need the occasional rubdown to soothe the aches and pains, our canine and feline BFFs benefit from massage.
If youre the DIY type, there are online instruction courses available, from full certification courses to basic YouTube videos. Just verify that the source is credible before you begin practicing.
If youre more the sit-back-and-watch type, several local canine massage therapists, like Peak Animal Wellness and Massage, do house calls.
Spas for Paws
When its a four-legged friend, is it considered a manicure or a pedicure? Regardless, an inexpensive investment in a Dremel to grind down their nails and some colorful nail polish is all you need for a fun (and funny) pet-pampering experience. If you do go the Dremel route, be sure to consult your vet or local groomer on how to do it without harming your pet. You can do some serious damage by making nails too short.
Cooking With Kids
It may take five times longer to make a meal, but cooking with your kids is immensely rewarding and provides them with great learning experiences. Here are a few ideas for kid-friendly, budget-friendly, bonding-moment mealtimes.
May I Take Your Order, Please?
Remember how fun it was as a child to take pad and pen in hand, asking for imaginary (or real) orders?
Plan a restaurant night with the family. Kids can spend the day creating colorful, snazzy menus, creating original place settings, making meal choices, preparing the food, escorting guests to the table, and serving the food. Theres a job for everyone and every age.
Of course, dont forget to tip your server!
The Great BoCo Kitchen Challenge
Theres a reason contest-style cooking shows are so intriguing. Competition fuels creativity, and everyone is motivated to win. Organize a family cooking contest to bring out the best in your little chefs. If youre concerned about kitchen congestion, stagger contestant start times or try a no-bake/low bake alternative:
No-Bake Cookie Contest: Search no bake cookie recipes online for hundreds of ideas.
Spaghetti Surprise: Prepare one giant pot of pasta, then have contestants raid the pantry and fridge for sauces and other add-ins to create the most unique (and edible) dish. To make it more challenging for older kids, supply a basket of mystery ingredients that must be incorporated into the pasta dish.
Will It Waffle?: If youve got a waffle iron, challenge each member of the family to come up with ideas beyond the plain buttermilk variety. Waffles arent just for breakfast, so think stuffing, corn bread, hash brownsjust about any ingredient you have on hand.
Cooking Classes
If theres one positive that came from COVID-19, its that we are more comfortable doing things virtually. Check out these kid-centric online cooking classes, some fee-based, some free: scroll down to Classes by Subject and under Life Skills, select Cooking local Boulder cooking school offers occasional virtual class options unlimited live Zoom classes with an annual membership (also has a Teen Chef option) one offering is a five-week Kids, Teens and Families Can Cook series ($78) printable recipes with free 15- to 20-minute demo videos via Facebook and YouTube click the School in the Kitchen link for free recipes and archived cooking videos
Connect With Community
Volunteerism: A tried-and-true (and scientifically proven) way to reduce stress and battle anxiety.
Despite coronavirus complications, organizations still rely on helping hands to accomplish their goals. Some organizations offer virtual volunteerism, while others have in-person opportunities with guidelines for following safe COVID-19 practices.