Celebrating 30 Years and Counting of Cozy Alpaca Clothing
01 Jun 2018
An Auspicious Alpaca Anniversary
By Sara Bruskin | photos by Lori DeBoer What’s the secret to running a thriving shop on the Pearl Street Mall? Lidia Holl, owner of The Alpaca Connection, attributes her success in this highly competitive area to high-quality materials, unique merchandise and customer loyalty. November 2018 marks the 30th anniversary of her store, which has become an iconic component of the walking mall’s retail scene. “We opened 30 years ago on Thanksgiving day,” Holl says. “It’s an especially nice anniversary because 30 is a big number, and Thanksgiving is the start of a big shopping season, so I’m really excited.” Thirty years for the shop actually marks 40 years for Holl, as she was trading in alpaca fleece clothing before she even had a store to sell it from. While still a student at CU Boulder in the late ’70s, Holl started selling alpaca hats with earflaps to her friends. She had them shipped from Peru, where she grew up. Six years after she graduated, Holl heard that a perfect location had become available, so she opened The Alpaca Connection in 1988 on the same block where it stands today (a retail real-estate shuffle in 2010 moved it a couple of spots over to its current location).

The Alpaca Connection (303-447-2047; www.thealpacaconnection.com is located on the Pearl Street Mall at 1334 Pearl St., Boulder 80302. It’s open 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. daily, with extended hours during the summer and holiday seasons.