Fighting Food Debt

30 May 2019

Local entrepreneur starts campaign to pay off school lunch debt

“We nourish kids’ minds for free, why not their bodies?” Kate Lacroix asks her legislators. She saw a need at Boulder Valley School District, which suffers $232,000 in lunch debt as a result of parents who are unable to pay. Last November, this foodie entrepreneur and mother of two started a campaign to pay off that debt. She raised more than $48,000 and launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise more. The story made Good Morning America and NPR news and landed her an appearance on Rachael Ray’s show. Lacroix is currently partnering with School, a Boulder-based cause-marketing agency, to develop a 501(c)(3) to bring more national awareness to school lunch debt. Lacroix is known locally as the owner of First Bite, organizer of Boulder County’s restaurant week. She recently launched her latest endeavor, Stocked–a service to help women save money on their grocery bills and invest the savings. Donate to the Boulder Valley School District’s lunch debt at
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