Hotel Boulderado gets a mini face-lift

31 Aug 2017

Lobby Love

Boulder’s oldest luxury hotel got a mini face-lift this June. Still a classic in terms of architecture and gorgeous historic details, the Hotel Boulderado has continuously welcomed tourists and locals for more than 100 years. But the lobby needed a little love—to the tune of $2.5 million.
Photo courtesy Hotel Boulderado
Newly reconfigured, the lobby is more convenient for guests, who no longer have to wheel suitcases across it to check in at the front desk, which moved into the former gift shop just inside the front door. People meeting friends now have seating options galore, from intimate twosomes to full-blown parties. The mezzanine’s new windows completely capture the mountain views, and its more flexible meeting space can host up to 250 people. Downstairs, a computer bar is located at the former check-in site, and the Spruce Bar sports a new coffee shop, a new and bigger bar top, and more comfortable seating. The changes “better accommodate the ways people gather these days,” says managing partner Frank Day. But don’t worry; the mezzanine’s stunning stained glass is still intact, and expect the gigantic Christmas tree to make an appearance come December.

—Carol Brock

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