John Weller illuminates crucial conservation issues around the world
31 Aug 2015
'I Am a Storyteller'
John Weller was scuba diving in an ice cave under Antarctica’s Ross Sea, loaded with photography equipment. Already on a risky assignment in below-freezing water, Weller couldn’t know that this would likely be the most dangerous shoot of his career. “Suddenly, it felt like a hammer slammed into the back of my head and a jet engine roared to life in my skull,” Weller recounts in his 2013 book The Last Ocean. As he came to his senses, he realized that he was lying on the sea floor while a thousand-pound Weddell seal hovered over him. Weller’s scientist friends later hypothesized that the seal had “blasted” him with a call as forceful as a grenade.
Becoming an Artist
In 2000, Weller got a group of photos exhibited at NCAR. When “the right person walked by that show,” Weller made his first big (as in five-figure) sale of a collection of his photos. He was officially an artist. His mentor Conway’s advice rang in his ears: “You have to move home, because you won’t be able to do this, become an artist, anywhere but from where you grew up. You have to start it with the support of your family and friends.” So Weller moved into his parents’ Boulder basement. A trip to Great Sand Dunes National Monument gave him the inspiration he needed. The dunes would be his next big project. Weller spent the next three-and-a-half years shooting sand, shooting sky, shooting light. Shooting tracks. Shooting ice. The resulting book, Great Sand Dunes: Between Darkness and Light, came out in 2004, the same year Congress upgraded Great Sand Dunes from a national monument to a national park.

Learn more about John Weller and see more photographs at, or visit him during Boulder Open Studios in October. See a teaser of Weller’s film, Guardians of Raja Ampat, at For more about the film, go to
Mary Reed is a freelance journalist based in Boulder. She is currently writing Best Easy Day Hikes Fort Collins (Falcon Guides), which will be out in 2016. Learn more at