Local Help for Afghan Refugees

08 Dec 2021

The crisis in Afghanistan may be happening far away, but there are ways to help right here in Boulder County. Several organizations have been working to resettle refugee families in this area, and community help is always needed. Christopher Liggett of the OEF Resettlement Project says, “We will be working directly with these Afghan families to plug them into the community and get them access to safe, long-term housing, as well as supporting them in regular activities like getting a driver's license, enrolling their children in school, finding employment, etc.”

These organizations are currently offering local aid to Afghan refugees. Please reach out to them if you would like to get involved:

  OEF Resettlement Project oefresettlementproject.org oefresettlementproject@gmail.com The Well Church 720-583-5189 boulderwell.org info@boulderwell.org Lutheran Family Services 303-922-3433 lfsrm.org Immigrant Legal Center of Boulder County 303-444-1522 boulderayuda.org Intercambio 303-996-0275 intercambio.org Islamic Center of Boulder (working with the Metro Denver North Islamic Center, a mosque providing direct assistance to Afghani refugees) 720-340-1530 bouldermuslims.com
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