Seven Nights of Must-See Concerts
06 Dec 2016
… even if you have to break your winter hibernation
By Philip Emma The colder months in Boulder County usually don’t stop most locals from going out to see live music. This place loves arts and music regardless of the elements—and we all know music and the mountains warm the body and soul. Here, in chronological order, are events on seven nights, winter through spring, when even a bear would wake up and get that booty shaking. Dec. 8 Elephant Revival with Gipsy Moon at the Boulder Theater. “Where words fail … music speaks.” These are the words that top Elephant Revival’s social-media page. The Nederland band puts on a performance that an audience will feel deeply, and carry within as inspiration and action. Their gypsy-Americana vibe, led by two beautiful, talented, strong females, Bonnie Paine and Bridget Law, captivate the attention of any music lover. Their socially conscious messages permeate the fire they light as examples of humans who practice what they preach. Don’t miss Gipsy Moon either. They are rising quickly and will be headlining their own shows this time next year.
If you’re at a concert of any kind there’s a pretty good chance that Philip Emma is there too. From his first show on the Victory Tour with Michael Jackson to just about every music festival of the last 20 years, his journey through listening to music has made him the on-the-street advocate for artists everywhere. He teaches middle school in Lafayette, works at the Oscar-winning recording studio Coupe Studios in Boulder, writes and photographs for the Grateful Web, and is the father of a budding piano player.