The Dating Game
05 Jun 2015
Making meeting-places work for you
By Vivienne PalmerDating has changed a lot in the last 15 years. You don’t passively wait around in hopes that you run into someone nice; you go out there and get ’em on OKCupid, eHarmony, J-Date, Match or perhaps the most anxiety-producing one of all, Tinder.
But while technology has changed how people find dates, going on that first date is pretty much the same as it has always been. A first date, at its core, is a fact-finding mission. The ultimate goal is to figure out whether a second date is in the cards. Where you and your date decide to meet speaks volumes. For instance, whether they choose an old-school Boulder establishment or opt for a national chain may be all it takes to tip the scales in, or against, one’s favor. An informal poll of locals netted three types of first dates: safe, active and optimistic.Playing It Safe
Whether you are calling the shots or simply going along with your date’s suggestion, the very time of day and location say a lot about the person who chooses them. The person who likes to play it safe usually opts for a low-cost, short-time-investment, easy-way-out date. Whether this means they are incredibly busy or commitment-phobic is up for debate, but there isn’t a lower-stakes first date than coffee. Even for night owls, most coffee dates happen before 5 p.m., cost less than $10 for two, and can last as long as several hours or be over as quickly as it takes to gulp down a searing-hot latte. Marci D. loves the Dushanbe Teahouse because “the vibe is so colorful, hopeful and full of possibilities.” TAKE OUR DATING PERSONALITY QUIZ (below)Active Encounters
Since this is Boulder County, first dates often take place outdoors or in a gym. What better way to break the ice than to be active? For one, you can assess your date’s physical prowess by how fast he/she surmounts Mount Sanitas. If you are shy, a tough hike is perfect, given how difficult it is to hold a decent conversation while walking single-file and gasping for breath. The more conversationally inclined are better off choosing Chautauqua or Sawhill Ponds, where the terrain is gentle and the trail is wide.
Hoping for the Best
Finally there is the optimist. This person doesn’t mind investing time and money in a date, and is open to other opportunities should the two of you hit it off. I’m talking about dinner and drinks. In Boulder you can’t swing the proverbial cat without hitting a brewery. From fancy with fine dining to rustic (think picnic tables and food trucks) to something in-between, you can glean intel about your date by the kind of wine or beer he/she favors.
Vivienne Palmer is a writer, blogger and pole-dance enthusiast. She has two boys, and lives in downtown Boulder.
Dating Personality Quiz:
What Kind of Dater Are YOU?
1. At the gym, you catch the eye of someone cute by the water fountain. What do you do? a.) Quickly look away, then sneak glances of them while they’re not looking. b.) Lift a little harder, run a little faster, work a little harder. I’m killing it. c.) Compliment something about them, introduce myself, and see how the conversation flows. 2. Casual sex? a.) Um, OK, maybe. I don’t know. Do we have to talk afterwards? b.) Sure, let me grab my camping gear and I’ll be there. Adventure! c.) It’s not a good idea for me … I have feelings, you know? 3. What’s your preferred online dating avenue? a.) Tinder, ItsJustLunch, OkCupid. b.) The League, Glutenfreesingles or Dapper, but generally I meet through mutual activities. c.) Match, eHarmony, JDate. 4. In five years, you’ll be: a.) Five years? What is this, a job interview? I don’t know what I’m doing in five hours. b.) That’s the year I’ll be doing Yosemite’s Triple Crown/hiking the PCT/biking across Malaysia. c.) I have a few dreams—a better job, maybe a house and a dog. Hopefully someone there to share that with. 5. What’s the first thing people notice about you? a.) Probably my hair. Or, no, my clothes? I have an OK handshake, also. b.) I’m super fit! c.) My eyes? Though I’d hope it’s my personality. 6. Your most recent ex: a.) I’m not sure you can really call them my ex, ’cause, like, we were sort of not really dating? Labels aren’t my thing. b.) Couldn’t keep up. c.) Pretty much broke me for a while, but I’m putting the pieces back together. 7. At a party, you can be found: a.) Mingling somewhere between the door and the drink table. If the vibe goes downhill, I’ll make a quick exit. b.) Ripping the dance floor into shreds. c.) On the couch, talking with a few close friends.How You Score:
Mostly A’s – THE COMMITMENT DODGER. You like to keep it safe and low-commitment. You’re probably best suited for coffee shops, movies and lunch dates. But make sure it’s a good movie; there’s nothing worse than being stuck next to a loud popcorn cruncher and trying to focus on terrible acting at the same time. Always avoid: carpooling with your date. Where’s the exit strategy? Work on: making up your mind. It’s OK to get invested, just don’t overthink it! Mostly B’s – THE SUPERACHIEVER. You’re fueled by a passion, and anyone who doesn’t fit in that mold won’t do. Extremely active and charming, you’re also kind of a control freak. Take dates on an active adventure, like a hike up Chautauqua. If they drop out ahead of time, or can’t keep up, you’ll know it won’t work. Always avoid: dinner at home and a movie. Opposites attract, but you don’t want to get involved with a homebody! Work on: making room for someone in your life. Compromise is the name of the game, and if you’re too busy doing you, then a long-term relationship won’t be in the cards. Mostly C’s – THE ROMANTIC. You deserve someone who will treat you right! Maybe you’ve loved and lost, or maybe you still haven’t found that right person to give everything to. Go on classic dates where you can talk: Dinner, grabbing cocktails, or a mild activity like putt-putt are all good ideas. Always avoid: constantly hanging out as sort-of friends at someone’s house. You’ll get in too fast and too deep, and why waste the energy on someone who isn’t willing to treat you right? Work on: not putting too much pressure on the relationship—though you’re serious about looking for The One, you can still have a little fun with someone you don’t intend to marry.--Eli Wallace