Three Prospect artists show deep works that tell stories
06 Dec 2017
Creative Spirits: Russell Coburn, Elliott McDowell, Laura Wallace
By Lisa Truesdale Photos by Phil Mumford Ask Russell Coburn what makes his pottery different, and he’ll offer up no shortage of persuasive answers. “Every ceramic pot has already been done,” he admits, so what’s crucial is that every piece be infused with the artist’s personal experiences and creative vision. He was young when he threw his first pot—a junior at Boulder High in 1968, part of the first class there that had pottery wheels and a kiln. He was immediately hooked, feeling that it was what he was meant to do. By senior year, Coburn was selling his pots in a gallery on the Hill. He studied pottery in college, then moved to Santa Fe and had success selling his work out of the prestigious Elaine Horwitch Gallery—“the hot spot” at the time, he recalls.
Artists Then & Now
Coburn and his wife, LeeAnn, opened the Russell Coburn Gallery in June 2017, just a few blocks from their new home in Longmont’s Prospect neighborhood. They decorated it with rugs from Santa Fe, antique books and artifacts from their travels. Adding another artist to the mix was just a “maybe someday” idea in the back of their minds until the Coburns discovered that Elliott McDowell—an accomplished photographer who had been an acquaintance back in Santa Fe—also lived in Prospect. McDowell loved the idea of a collaboration, and his framed photographs and posters were integrated into the gallery shortly after it opened. “Our stuff just works well together,” Coburn says. “We are two creative spirits with a shared sensibility and a shared vision, and we both know what it was like to be an artist back in the ’70s.”
Russell Coburn Gallery (720-745-8441; is located at 700 Tenacity Drive, Unit 102, in Prospect New Town on the south edge of Longmont. Normal hours are Wednesday-Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and by appointment, but check the gallery’s Facebook page for special holiday hours, as well as news about upcoming events and classes.