A Summer of Music in Boulder
05 Jun 2015
Sure, U2 gets all the attention this year for kicking off the Big Name concert season in Denver (at least they’re not sending you free concert tickets you didn’t ask for), but it doesn’t take much digging to find plenty of gems in and around Boulder for the discriminating music lover this summer. So turn off that “personal device” and go see some live music!
By Dave Kirby The string-music force is strong around these parts, and dedicated followers of all things ’grassy will tell you that Planet Bluegrass in Lyons is about as close to heaven as we mortals are allowed to get. The jewel in the crown is the Rocky Mountain Folks Fest, Aug. 14-16. You can catch the singular Mary Chapin Carpenter in a duo with Shawn Colvin on Saturday, Boulder-bred The Wood Brothers and guitarist/songwriter extraordinaire Richard Thompson on the Sunday show, or local newgrass stars Taarka and Peter Yarrow (yes, that Peter Yarrow) heading up the Friday lineup. Down the Peak to Peak, the 17th annual NedFest stages from Aug. 28-30. Beloved Nederland pickers Gipsy Moon (above) make an appearance on Friday’s bill, Todd Snider and his Hard Working Americans alt-Americana outfit will rock Saturday’s stage, and Sunday’s bill will see an appearance by Vince Herman, visiting the ’hood after a couple of years touring with Leftover Salmon. As Vince’s son Silas heads up Gipsy Moon, expect a surprise or two during Vince’s set.