Eli’s Weekly Idea: Cold water washing tips

12 Aug 2015

Want to make a simple change that will affect the environment and your energy bill? Then look no farther than your laundry room.

Studies have shown that three-quarters of the energy used by a load of laundry comes from warming the water in the wash, meaning that cold-water loads save a significant amount of energy over time. Additionally, washing in cold water has been proven to tackle day-to-day stains and smells as well as warm or hot water, and could ultimately save the average household about $60 per year, according to Consumer Reports.
Here a few tips to make cold water work for you:
  • Only use liquid detergent; powders require warmer water to work effectively
  • Use warm or hot water only on really bad loads, such as sanitary stains (cloth diapers, urine)
  • Blood should be rinsed in cold water only; warm water makes blood stains set
  • Invest in cold-water formulas to get the cleanest loads, such as Tide Cold Water Clean; this isn't necessary for most instances, but is useful for those who are committing to long-term cold washing only.
  Photo by Iriana Shiyan  
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