How Diet Impacts Climate Change
01 Jun 2020
Choices matter when it comes to what we eat and how we get our food
By Amanda McCracken Did you know the average American’s diet has a larger negative impact on greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) than the average British or German diet? Many people know industrial agriculture contributes to GHGE, but what’s the carbon footprint of individual diets? A study published in “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” looked at food choices made by 16,000 Americans in a single day. Not surprisingly, the choices with fewer impacts on GHGE were also healthier, while diets high in meat and dairy products were more significant contributors to GHGE. People who had the highest-impact diets contributed five times more to overall emissions, compared with Americans with the lowest-impact daily diets. The study also showed that men tend to eat higher-impact diets than women.

Insects, Anyone?