Reader is a loyal fan

20 Jul 2014

It’s not every day you hear you’re doing a good job. So it’s nice when someone tells you so. I was at the Boulder Home & Garden Fair at Twenty Ninth Street on May 10, and I hope many of you were there too. A woman approached and asked if I was Carol Brock. “Yes!” I replied. She introduced herself as Jan and said she’s been a loyal fan of the magazine since she moved here from Nevada seven years ago. hg_fair_2012_2Jan was particularly fond of a Feature Garden story in the Spring 2011 edition about Ruth Roberts’ enormous rose garden. Ruth and her husband, Shorty, moved here from Iowa and needed to fill their empty landscape.  It started with a single miniature rose Shorty gave Ruth on Valentine’s Day in 1961. Thus began their tradition of giving each other rosebushes every Valentine’s Day. When Shorty passed away in 1981, Ruth kept their tradition alive by buying two rosebushes every Valentine’s—one that Shorty would adore, and another she knew he would want her to have. “That story just touched my heart,” Jan told me. She shared it with her church group, and said she wanted to thank me for bringing inspiration to the community through the stories in the magazine. That was nice of her to go out of her way, so thank you, Jan. But I’d like to thank all of you as well for being readers, along with all the gardeners and homeowners who’ve been a part of these pages for the past 11 years. Your stories inspire me to keep doing this magazine, even on the most discouraging days. But nobody works in a vacuum, so I’d also like to thank our writers, designers, photographers and staff members, who work very hard to bring you a useful, quality publication. And I’d like to thank our advertisers, without whom we couldn’t publish this magazine. If you enjoy this publication, please support and thank our advertisers when you get a chance. I hope you’ll find stories to inspire you in this issue, whether it’s a new plant for your garden, a new tool for your kitchen, or a new life for something you were just about to toss out. There’s plenty to inspire me in these pages—I’m just about to buy herb scissors for harvesting all those fresh herbs I just planted! Please pay it forward by letting me know about the garden you’ve tended so carefully or the house you’ve turned into a home, so we can feature it to inspire others. And if there’s something you’d particularly like to see in this magazine, please let me know. Enjoy this season of bounty! Carol S. Brock is the Editor of Boulder County Home & Garden Magazine P.S. If you have a beloved plant you discovered this growing season, or one that’s always reliably beautiful, please snap a cell phone or camera image of it and send it, along with your contact information, to - ml.bruny at We would love to feature it in our favorite plants section!
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