Rebecca’s Recommendations: Let the Sunshine In to Clean Stubborn Stains

01 Dec 2015

Last week I shared one of my favorite—albeit simple—cleaners, Dawn dish soap. This week I’m letting you in one of nature’s best-kept cleaning secrets—the sun. You might be skeptical. I was at first, but after I put a few soiled garments in the sun for a few hours and saw how effective it was, I’m a believer. Here’s how to take advantage of this solar stain-fighter now that winter’s arrived: Just set the soiled item by a sunny window and watch the stains disappear. I prefer to freshly launder the stained item and hold off on machine-drying it until I’ve sunned out the stain. Machine drying can set in a stain and make it more difficult to remove. It’s best to either line dry the garment, or better yet lay it in the sun while it’s still damp from the wash. Of course, if you leave a garment in the sun for many hours or do it continually, the color will fade. But for stubborn stains that nothing else seems to work on, the sun will shine through!
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