A House That Shouts
28 Jul 2012
Born of creativity and passion, this house — and its owners — breaks all the rules when it comes to conventional ideas.
By Lisa Marshall • Photos by WeinrauchPhotography.com
Built almost entirely by their hands, it features artwork on the ceiling, poetry verses on the floor, handmade furniture, light fixtures and kitchen cabinets, and more than 50 one-of-a-kind wall colors cobbled together with cans of discount “oops” paint. Despite the closeness of neighbors, the enormous windows have no blinds. As Marcela explains, it would take away from the views of Mount Sanitas to the west and obscure the home’s tree-house feel when the enormous elms surrounding it leaf out in summer.
If you look closely, you can see a host of creatively “fixed” mistakes, like the length of trim in the dining room that came up a bit too short, and was filled in with Marcela’s colorful handmade tiles; or the spot of blue paint on the ceiling that doesn't quite match.
But somehow, in its mishmash of broken rules and improvisation, the home comes together beautifully—creating a space that oozes creativity and challenges those who enter to think outside the box.
“It’s startling, and people appreciate that,” Bruce says. “A space like this gets people thinking that anything is possible.”
The two met 15 years ago, introduced by their two third-grade daughters, who’d become fast friends at school. Marcela, who already had a master’s in fine arts, came to Boulder to study at Naropa. Bruce, a Rolfer, was living in the Nyland cohousing development in Lafayette, which he helped found.
She moved in with him for a time, but it soon became apparent that they needed to be closer to Boulder, in a space they could create together. In 2005, they bought a boxy, circa-1910 home in a quaint tree-studded neighborhood near North Boulder Park. Renovating it to their liking would have been a colossal and expensive task, so they tore it down and started from scratch, with two main goals: to use as much recycled material as possible and to create a work of art.
“I am an installation artist, and I see this as an installation piece,” says Marcela, 53, who is also a psychotherapist.
Adds Bruce, 58: “We wanted to let imagination and creativity drive what we did and create a space that invited people to do the same.”
So they scoured recycle yards for doors and windows, and drew up architectural plans around what they’d gathered. Then they got to work, with Bruce doing the electrical and plumbing, and much of the carpentry, while Marcela offered her artistic vision.
“I can make things, but I cannot make them functional,” she says, pointing to a 120-pound porcelain chandelier in the living room that she created and Bruce electrified. “He makes things work.”
- Built entirely from scratch with recycled materials and artistic touches, this eclectic north Boulder home is part “startling,” part “installation piece” and thoroughly home to owners Marcela Ot’alora G. and Bruce Poulter.