Jeff Hirota to lead the Community Foundation Boulder County

31 Mar 2017

Join with Jeff

The Community Foundation is what its name implies: a foundation that makes a difference in people’s lives. Since 1991, it’s granted $68 million to local nonprofit groups involved in children’s health, the arts, social justice, animal welfare, youth education, disaster relief, inclusivity and other progressive causes. After 21 years of guiding the foundation, Josie Heath retired as CEO in January 2017. She left behind big shoes to fill, but they’ve found a good fit in Jeff Hirota. With a prior background in radio, television and feature films, Jeff produced independent documentaries in South America and Africa, and is an ordained United Methodist pastor. He served as vice president of programs for The Denver Foundation for the past 10 years before joining the Community Foundation Boulder County as the new CEO. Please welcome and join with Jeff to make a difference in Boulder County by becoming part of the vital foundation that supports our community.
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