Rebecca’s Recommendations: Eliminate Odors with Charcoal

22 Oct 2015

If you smell a not-so-pleasant aroma emanating from your basement, getting rid of it can be challenging. Most commercial products or even home solutions are formulated to cover up offending odors rather than eliminate them. What’s a better solution? Charcoal. Similar to fresh coffee grounds, charcoal helps absorb, rather than mask, stinky smells. But charcoal products sold at storage and organization stores tend to be pricey. While activated charcoal is most effective, don’t underestimate good old charcoal briquettes. These barbecue staples are the budget-busting answer to eliminating odors. Just be sure to use plain, natural briquettes and not those treated with lighter-fluid or other additives such as mesquite. Place a few briquettes in a bowl, or put several in pantyhose and hang it up wherever it’s needed. If you’re feeling crafty, punch some holes in an empty coffee and/or soup or bean cans and place the briquettes inside. Photo by Coprid
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