Rebecca’s Recommendations: Erase Years from Linoleum Floors

24 Sep 2015

If your house is anything like mine, your linoleum floors have seen better days. No matter how meticulous you are about cleaning them (and, really, how many of us have that kind of time?), linoleum tends to show wear and tear earlier than we’d like. One of the biggest problems with linoleum is dirt often settles into the scratches or divots that accumulate over time. While minor dents and scratches are unavoidable, you can keep them from accumulating dirt to help them be less noticeable. I’ve tried many, many ways to liven up my linoleum floors with little to no success. After a number of years, the set-in grit and grime seems impossible to remove, until I thought to use my handy Magic Eraser. With very little elbow grease, the Magic Eraser lifted dinginess like well, magic! I then followed with a damp cloth and finished off with a clean dry cloth. Does my kitchen floor look brand new? Of course not, but it definitely looks years younger. If you don’t have a Magic Eraser, dip a semi-damp cloth in baking soda and scrub the floors. The soda will do just as good a job, if not better. Be forewarned: While baking soda is amazing for cleaning many things, it needs to be rinsed off very well or else you will have a slight film for days. Note: Before attempting any cleaning, consult the care instructions or manufacturer for your particular flooring. As finishes vary, you don’t want to risk mistakenly stripping any coating. However, if you have had your floor for quite awhile and are hoping to get a little more life out of it before replacing it, this cleaning method is definitely worth a shot! Photo by Digital Reflections
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