Time to Winterize
19 Jan 2014
We need to prepare not only ourselves, but also our homes for cold weather
By Meagan Vitek Dust off the skis, dig out the coats, layer on clothing and stock up on tea. When brisk winds blow, we need to prepare not only ourselves, but also our homes for cold weather. Jack Frost is here! According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating and cooling accounts for more than half (54 percent) of a home’s utility costs. Before heading to the store to buy winter-proofing supplies, though, you need to determine your home’s specific needs. Nate Burger, owner of Eco Handyman in Boulder, recommends starting with an energy audit. During an audit, a professionally trained energy auditor “tests the entire house for areas of missing insulation and interleakage points,” he explains. This gives you a road map on how to improve those areas.