Where To Go: Summer 2022
07 Jun 2022
Summer brings longer days, meaning more time to get out and visit area gardens, learn something new and explore all that BoCo has to offer.
Ongoing Farmers Markets
Boulder: Saturdays 8am-2pm and Wednesdays 4-8pm at 13th Street between Canyon and Arapahoe; bcfm.org.
Erie: Thursdays 5-8pm on Briggs Street between Wells and Moffatt; realfarmersmarketco.com.
Longmont: Saturdays 8am-1pm at Boulder County Fairgrounds, Hover and Boston; bcfm.org.
Louisville: Saturdays 9am-1pm at 824 Front St.; realfarmersmarketco.com.
Nederland: Sundays (bi-weekly) beginning June 5, 10am-2pm at 80 E. 2nd St.; nederlandfarmersmarket.org.
Ongoing Harlequin’s Gardens Classes
Harlequin’s Gardens, 4795 N. 26th St. in Boulder, offers low-cost classes on a variety of garden topics. Topics include Successful Home Composting (June 19), Tips & Tricks of Xeriscape (July 31) and Pruning for Strength, Health & Beauty (Aug. 7); check harlequinsgardens.com for the full schedule.
Ongoing Charles Bliss Trial Garden
The trial garden at the Boulder County Fairgrounds gives the public a visual display of what different types of grasses, cover and field crops, and pollinator plants look like and how they grow in our climate and soils. Open to the public year-round, the garden is east of the Natural Resources Building at the Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road in Longmont; boulder.extension.colostate.edu.
Ongoing Food Lab Cooking Classes
Boulder’s Food Lab offers a variety of cooking classes for adults, kids and private/corporate events, plus at-home cooking kits. The summer schedule is chock-full of classes, including Evening in Mexico (June 11), Date Night Argentina (June 18) and Plant-Based Thai (July 5). Food Lab is at 1825 Pearl St. #A; foodlabboulder.com.

Ongoing, June 5–Aug. 6 Colorado Shakespeare Gardens
Arrive early for this year’s Colorado Shakespeare Festival so you have time for a self-guided tour through gardens showcasing flowers and other plants featured in Shakespeare’s works, planted in themed areas named for the plays. Since the garden’s founding in 1991, it has been tended by dedicated volunteers, and they’re always looking for more. The gardens are located in the courtyard near the Mary Rippon Outdoor Theatre. More info: coloradoshakespearegardens.org. Virtual tour: csgtour.org.
June 3 Chautauqua Tree Tour
Chautauqua has varieties of more than 500 trees. Learn about these abundant trees and their history at this free one-hour tour led by tree experts Bill Briggs and Jeff Rump. 3 p.m. at Chautauqua, 900 Baseline Road, Boulder; chautauqua.com.
June 4 Colorado Native Plant Society Garden Tours
CoNPS hosts a tour of member gardens in Boulder, Longmont and Louisville; there’s also a Denver tour on June 11 and a Fort Collins/Loveland tour on June 25. Check conps.org for more info.
June 10–11 Festival of Flowers Garden Tour
The Longmont Symphony Guild presents this annual fundraising event, a self-guided tour of five gorgeous gardens in Longmont. Gather inspiration for your own garden, and get tips and advice from the gardeners. Tickets and more info: longmontsymphony.org/garden-tour

June 11 & Aug. 13 Beekeeping Bootcamp Series
The Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster offers beekeeping classes for beginners, taught by experts, and the workshops include hands-on practice. June 11 is Mid-Season Management, and Aug. 13 is Honey Extraction. 10 a.m.–1 p.m. in person and via Zoom, at 6252 W. 104th Ave.; register at butterflies.org.
June 11 Cooking Demo: Light Summer Fare
Luvin Arms, a nonprofit animal sanctuary for abused or neglected farmed animals, offers a cooking demo on vegan fare for the summer, 5-7 p.m. The sanctuary also offers in-person visits, pet grief therapy sessions, field trips and storytimes. Luvin Arms is at 3470 County Road 7 in Erie; luvinarms.org.
June 12 & 25, July 10 Urban Herb Walks
Boulder-based herbalist, nutrition consultant and author Brigitte Mars leads two-hour herb walks throughout downtown Boulder, helping attendees identify native plants for their edible and medicinal properties. See brigittemars.com to register and to see more events on the calendar, including herb walks in Nederland.

June 17–19 Botanica Festival
This interactive, weekend-long event celebrates the world of plants and the ways we interact with them across time, culture and geography. The schedule is packed with workshops on a variety of related topics, plus a marketplace, a farm dinner and a summer solstice family celebration. The farm is at 445 S. 112th St., Lafayette; threeleaffarm.com.
June 18 Mountain Blooms Garden Tour
Take a self-guided tour of 10 lovely Lyons gardens at this tour sponsored by The Lyons Garden Club. The event is free, but donations are accepted and registration is encouraged. Pre-register for access to a digital map. The club is also welcoming new members. Find more info at lyonsgardenclub.com.
June 25 Boulder Garden Tour
Formerly called the Whittier-Mapleton Garden Tour, this self-guided walking tour of unique private gardens in Boulder includes garden-themed “edutainment” at each stop. Proceeds benefit Garden to Table, a local nonprofit that empowers school communities with gardens and garden education. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; get tickets and more details at bouldergardentour.com.
June 25–26 Colorado Tiny House Festival
It’s worth the short drive to Brighton for this annual festival showcasing a diverse assortment of small-living structures, including container homes, trailer conversions, vans, yurts and little buildings. You’ll also find vendor booths and food trucks. 10am-5pm; find venue and ticket info at coloradotinyhousefestival.com.
July 2 & Aug. 13 Art in the Garden
Bring the whole family to Chautauqua and learn how to paint a masterpiece, step by step, inspired by the beautiful surroundings. 10 a.m. at Chautauqua, 900 Baseline Road, Boulder; register at chautauqua.com.

July 23 Boulder County Chocolate Festival
Get ready for the “the ultimate chocolate fest experience,” with chocolate-tasting booths, demonstrations, related vendors and more. Purchase a VIP ticket for exclusive extras. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont. cochocolatefests.com.
August 6 Boulder Taco Fest
Love tacos? You can sample the very best from BoCo vendors, plus craft brews and eclectic tequilas. There’s also Lucha Libre wrestling, live music and children’s activities. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. on both sides of Boulder Creek near the Boulder Public Library; bouldertacofest.com.
August 20 Lafayette Peach Festival
If it’s peachy, you’ll find it at this festival, now in its 23rd year. Enjoy peach cobbler, peach pie, fresh peaches and more, plus children’s activities, vendor booths, non-peach food and drink vendors, and live entertainment. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. along Public Road in Lafayette; lafayettecolorado.com.
Aug. 26–28 Yesteryear Farm Show
This free, three-day outdoor expo features steam engines, antique tractors and other vintage farm equipment, plus live demonstrations of old-timey activities like basket making. At Dougherty Museum, 1 mile south of Longmont on Highway 287. See the event’s Facebook page for more details.
August 27 Growing Gardens 23rd Annual Farm Gala
Help raise funds for Growing Gardens’ programs that serve 20,000 community members annually through education and produce donations. The evening includes a cocktail hour, small bites from local chefs, live music, and live and silent auctions. 5-8:30 p.m. at the gardens, 1630 Hawthorn Ave., Boulder; growinggardens.org.