Home & Garden

Browns Shoe Fit
Wild Animal Sanctuary

Meet Artist Ala Park

Designer and artist Ala Park was born and raised in the Republic of Moldova. She now resides in the mountains of Boulder, where she creates fish bone art and encaustic wax paintings.

Better Bookshelves

Well-organized, thoughtfully arranged bookshelves add life, color, warmth and intimacy to a room. Here are tips for turning what is often a functional aspect of a room into something that enhances, informs and brightens the space.

Looking Forward to Fall Flavors

Midsummer to early fall is an amazing time to plant veggies for autumn harvests. “Certain crops not only survive cold weather, they actually thrive in it and taste sweeter,” says Edward C. Smith, author of “The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible.”

Getting a Garden to Work for You and Wildlife

Changing your mindset can help you create gardens that sustain life and consume fewer resources.

Feature Home: How a Midcentury Modern Became a Modern Midcentury

Go With the Flow By Lisa Truesdale Photos by Rob Larsen Photography   When Janet Shanberge and Bob Burke purchased a midcentury modern home in Boulder’s Flagstaff neighborhood, they thought the views and location were absolutely perfect. The house, however, was not. Sure, it had “modern” in the architectural style name, but it looked straight […]

Patterns, Patterns Everywhere

To help get your pattern ball rolling, we asked these pros to explain their approaches to adding, mixing and matching patterns in the home using photos of their projects as examples. Build on their advice, and go bold!

Eco-Conscious Home Goods

These eco-conscious companies offer beautiful home items and furnishings we can appreciate both for their loveliness and the thoughtful, earth-friendly ways in which they’re created.

Feature Garden: Possessed by a Vision

Sylvia Gardner's vision for this feature garden had landed it in the Festival of Flowers Garden Tour twice now.

Feature Home: From Damnation to Sanctuary

How a neglected home became a serene haven. “We wanted this kind of alpine-modern style. Cabin-y, but also modern and clean.”

Wild Animal Sanctuary
Browns Shoe Fit

How Diet Impacts Climate Change

By swapping a few things in your diet and making thoughtful choices, you can help mitigate global warming and safeguard our planet’s future.

Trees Are Talking

You may not hear them, but trees communicate messages to each other via air and roots, and scientists are proving what poets have known for years: There is wisdom in the trees.

Plants of the Year — 2020

Every year, the National Garden Bureau features five crops that are "popular, easy to grow, widely adaptable, genetically diverse, and versatile."

Nov. 29-Jan. 5: Zoo Lights

Nov. 29-Jan. 5 Zoo Lights Marvel at the many illuminated and animated animal sculptures as you explore the Denver Zoo at night. Zoo Lights runs from 5:30-9 p.m. each night at 2300 Steele St. in Denver. Visit denverzoo.org.

Queen Bee’s Salad

INGREDIENTS 1 pound dried black-eyed peas 1 clove garlic, finely chopped or pressed 1 red onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil ½ cup balsamic vinegar ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon parsley, finely chopped DIRECTIONS Soak peas […]

Publisher’s Peas

INGREDIENTS 1 pound dried black-eyed peas 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 carrots, sliced 1 poblano or pasilla pepper, diced 1 green bell pepper, diced 1 small jalapeño pepper, deseeded and finely chopped (optional) 1 yellow onion, diced 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 large celery stalk, sliced (leaves reserved and sliced) 1 smoked ham hock […]

Boundless Landscapes: Losing Lawns, Gaining Farmland

Boundless Landscapes is using Boulder as a testing ground for its “community-embedded agriculture” model by turning lawns into micro-farms across the city.

Nov. 8: Exploring Elder and the Medicines of Winter

Nov. 8 Exploring Elder and the Medicines of Winter This hands-on workshop teaches participants about the spirit and healing properties of the elder tree at 6 p.m. at Three Leaf Farm, 445 S. 112th St. in Lafayette. Visit threeleaffarm.com. Photo by Crepesoles

Feature Garden: The Garden of Happiness

Flowers, flowers and more flowers are the formula for joy in this garden.

Tim Brod: Enjoying a pollinator-friendly planet would be the perfect day for this Longmont beekeeper

On my perfect day, we citizens of the world would daily ask ourselves how our human ecology contributes to environmental awareness and sustainability.

Eight A-Lister Alpine Plants

Many true alpines won’t grow at lower altitudes, but a surprising number can adapt to Front Range gardens. These tiny jewels all start with “A” and sparkle in local rock gardens.

Fabulous Fiber: How to use textiles as art

Traditionally, textiles have served utilitarian purposes as bedding, table linens, throws or rugs. But using them as art can add warmth, dimension and interest to a home.

Wild Animal Sanctuary
Browns Shoe Fit